M. Ali Azem, MD (KSA)
Dr. Azem is a consultant pulmonologist and intensivist and the head of ICU at King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Dammam. He was one of the early founders of SAPH and helped in establishment of this association. His research projects are mainly directed to intensive care medicine and the pulmonary hypertension and hemodynamics in critically ill patients. He is a coauthor of the ICU chapter in the Saudi Guidelines for PH.
Ghazwan Butrous, MD (UK)
Dr. Butrous is a professor of cardiopulmonary sciences at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. His major research interest in PVD is in the field of management of pulmonary vascular diseases, pulmonary vascular disease secondary to infectious diseases, signaling mechanisms, and remodeling of pulmonary vasculature. He is the secretary general of the pulmonary vascular research institute (PVRI).
Abdulla Aldalaan, MD (KSA)
Dr. Aldalaan is the co-chair SAPH 2016. He is a consultant pulmonologist and the head of the pulmonary hypertension program at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center in Riyadh. He won the SAPH achievement award in 2014 for his outstanding contribution to the pulmonary hypertension in Saudi Arabia. Recently, he established the first CTEPH center in the region. He is a coauthor in the Saudi Guidelines for PH.
Pisana Ferrari, (Italy)
Since 2001, Ms. Ferrari main area of activity has been in patient advocacy, first as founder and volunteer for the Italian pulmonary hypertension association (AIPI) and the Vice President of PHA Europe. She is mainly responsible for PH awareness campaigns, advocacy activates at EU level, capacity building/training programs for the affiliates and the dissemination of information on PH.
Nazzareno Galie’, MD (Italy)
Dr. Galie’ is a professor of Cardiology at the University of Bologna and heads the Pulmonary Hypertension Centre at the Institute of Cardiology. He has authored more than 400 scientific publications on heart failure, heart transplantation, and pulmonary hypertension. Professor Galie is a Scholar of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Gold Medal of the Polish Society of Cardiology and a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
M Omar Galal, MD (KSA)
Dr. Galal is a professor of pediatric cardiology and the Head of Pediatric Cardiology Department at King Fahd Medical City. He has a special interest in congenital heart disease and in the field of clinical researches and education. Dr. Galal has a major contribution to the development of CHD program in Saudi Arabia and has many peer-reviewed publications in different fields of pulmonary vascular diseases.
Stefano Ghio, MD (Italy)
Dr Ghio is the chief of heart failure and pulmonary hypertension unit at IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Cardiology Center at Pavia, Italy.He is specially interested in cardiac imaging and echocardiographic hemodynamic assessment of the right ventricular geometrophy and function. He has many publications in the field and has been heavily involved in different eduactional activities related to PH and RV hemodynamics.
H Ardeschir Ghofrani, MD (Germany)
Professor Ghofrani is a senior physician at the University of Giessen lung center. He is the head of the divisions of pulmonary hypertension and intensive internal medicine. Dr. Ghofrani has developed new treatment concepts for patients with various disorders of pulmonary circulation. In 2002, Dr. Ghofrani was the recipient of the travel award of the ATS and the Francois Brenot Prize of the European Respiratory Society.
Manal Alhazmi, MD (KSA)
Dr. Hazmi is a consultant pulmonologist and intensivest and the head of PH program in the department of pulmonary and critical care medicine in King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Dammam, KSA. Dr Hazmi is one of the main founders of the Saudi Association of Pulmonary Hypertension (SAPH) and has an important role in the improvement of PH services in Saudi Arabia and the EMR region.
Luke Howard, MD (UK)
Dr. Howard is a professor of medicine and a respiratory physician specialized in cadiopulmonary medicine at the Imperial College in London, UK. Dr. Howard’s special interest and researches are in the field of pulmonary vascular diseases, mainly pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, and exercise physiology. He has received many awards including the National Clinical Excellenc Bronze Award.
Majdy Idrees, MD (KSA)
Dr. Idrees is the founder and head of the Saudi Association for Pulmonary Hypertension and the head of pulmonary vascular unit at Riyadh Military Hospital. His interest is mainly directed toward PVD, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary thromboembolic diseases. He had contributed extensively to the educational activities in the field of PVD in the EMR region and is the main author for the Saudi Guidelines for PH in 2008 & 2014.
Tarek Kashour, MD (KSA)
Dr Kashour is a professor of cardiology at King Saud University. He is the head of cardiology task force in the Saudi Association for Pulmonary Hypertension and is mainly interested in pulmonary hypertension and hemodynamics of pulmonary circulation. He has many research activities and publications in the field. He had a significant contribution to the educational activities in the field of PVD diseases in the EMR.
Khalid Alnajashi, MD (KSA)
Dr. Alnajashi is a consultant adult congenital heart disease and the head of the adult cardiology department at Prince Sultan Cardiac Center in Riyadh. He is a special SAPH member who has been very active in the field. He is a coauthor in the main Saudi PH registry database and was a coauthor in the congenital heart disease section of the SAPH pulmonary hypertension guidelines.
Stephan Rosenkranz, MD (Germany)
Prof. Stephan Rosenkranz is a professor of medicine and cardiology at Department of Medicine at the Cologne University Heart Center in Cologne, Germany. He has been heavily involved in most international efforts in the field. His work has been acknowledged by the Research Award of the German Heart Foundation in 2000, the German Society for Internal Medicine in 2002, and the Andreas Grüntzig Award of the German Society of Cardiology in 2011.
Mashael Alrujaib, MD (KSA)
Dr Alrujaib is a consultant radiologist/nuclear medicine consultant at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Beside her general interest, she has a special interest in pulmonary hypertension imaging and pulmonary thrombotic disease and she is currently involved in the multidisciplinary team the Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension at King Faisal Specialist hospital.
Hussam Sakkijha, MD (KSA)
Dr. Sakkijha is a consultant pulmonologist, intensivest, and a sleep physician at King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He is also in charge of pulmonary hypertension program at the same center. He is the co-chair of CTEPH taskforce in the SAPH and contributed extensively to the PH services in the region. He has many publications in the field and a coauthor of the Saudi Guidelines of the management of PH.
Sarfraz Saleemi, MD (KSA)
Dr Saleemi is a consultant pulmonologist at King Faisal Specialist hospital & Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He is the deputy head of the pulmonary hypertension program in the hospital and a special SAPH members. He contributed significantly to the promotion of the pulmonary vascular disease in Saudi Arabia. His area of interest is related to CTEPH and porto-pulmonary hypertension and published extensively in this area
Omar Tamimi, MD (KSA)
Dr. Altamimi is a consultant pediatric cardiologist and the head of pediatric PH program at King Abdelaziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Tamimi is a special SAPH member who has been very active in promoting and improving the pulmonary vascular diseases services in Saudi Arabia and has been leading many active projects and educational conferences. His is a coauthor of the SAPH PH guidelines.