The Saudi Association for Pulmonary Hypertension (SAPH) is a medical and research national group of many medical specialists, who shared a common interest in the field of pulmonary vascular disease. The main goal for SAPH is to increase the awareness and the knowledge of pulmonary vascular diseases in the society and between the medical professionals, and to start variety of research projects in the field of pulmonary vascular disease in the region, in order to improve the understanding, and quantify the size of the problem in this part of the world. SAPH is registered and operates under the Saudi Thoracic Society.
For more information about SAPH, please visit our website at:
SAPH Objectives:
- To investigate the incidence, prevalence, and pathobiology of PVD in underserved areas that, to date, have not been well characterized
- To identify unique characteristics of the illness including its morbidity and mortality
- To establish effective therapies, which will be accessible to the affected patients
- To provide expertise to areas with healthcare disparities that will address issues related to the education and training of healthcare professionals in the area of PVD
- To focus on improving the treatment of PVD, by promoting research, by educating physicians, and by assisting the development and conduct of clinical trials following the highest standards of clinical research
- To provide consultative services to health agencies and industry regarding advancing the treatment of PVD.
- SAPH provides expertise to advise physicians, scientists, health authorities and the healthcare industry regarding medical technologies and pharmaceuticals relevant to PVD
- SAPH is establishing a national database on patients with PVD to allow a meaningful understanding of the similarities and differences in the spectrum of the illness between different regions in the kingdom and other countries in the world
- SAPH has developed a web-based, multilingual educational materials and guidelines on the management of pulmonary vascular disease accessible to people involved in healthcare delivery
- SAPH has been conducting workshops on the modern methods to evaluate patients, determine accurate diagnoses, and monitor the efficacy of treatments